Disruptive Nation is always searching for disruptive companies and technologies to introduce to the investment, licensing and acquisition communities.
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Interviews with management are required for preparing company profiles. Each company profile posted on Disruptive Nation typically takes three to four hours of our analysts’ time to research and compose. Draft articles are delivered to company management, who have the right to suppress publication. In such cases, drafts of company profiles become the property of the Company with the condition that no variation of such drafts may be attributed to Disruptive Nation. Rates for Disruptive Nation’s Senior Analysts are currently $295 per hour. The hourly rate for the CEO is $425. All clients are entitled to receive David Wanetick’s, 800-page book (retail price $795) entitled “The Strategic Negotiator: A Manual for Negotiating at the Elite Level.” This book is a must for every executive who negotiates capital raises, licensing agreements, partnership agreements, or the sales of companies.